This is part 11 of HTML Form series. You can read previous parts here. In this part you will learn about input type datetime-local and input type month control.
input type= “datetime-local”
The control is intended to represent a local date and time, not necessarily the user’s local date and time.
The <input> element of type “datetime-local” creates input filed which allow a user to select the date as well as local time in the hour and minute without time zone information.
The <input type="datetime-local">
defines a date picker.
The resulting value includes the year, month, day, and time.
The control’s UI varies in general from browser to browser.
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<title>input type="datetime-local" example</title>
Select the meeting schedule.<br>
Select date & time: <input type="datetime-local" name="meetingdate"> <br><br>
<input type="submit">

input type= “month”
The <input> type “month” creates an input field which allows a user to easily enter month and year in the format of “MM, YYYY” where MM defines month value, and YYYY defines the year value.
The <input type="month">
defines a month and year control.
The format is “YYYY-MM”.
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<title>input type="month" example</title>
<label>Enter your Birth Month-year: </label>
<input type="month" name="newMonth">
<input type="submit">